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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Is Going to War with Iran a Good Idea?


The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear Program has been the subject of heated debate in not only American politics but even global international politics.  While we here at home have started with economic sanctions towards Iran’s economy,  other nations in the international community have called for combative measures to suppress Iran from becoming a new up and coming nuclear power.  I agree that we should stop nuclear proliferation and should at all costs stop the Iranian government from pursing nuclear weapons.

But we do not need to go to war over it, mainly because first we just do not have enough money to be in a two war situation, second the American people are not in favor of another war, and finally I think America priorities are wrong where we try to curry favor from everyone and we try to make everyone happy is what is causing us to run our deficit and unnecessary spending.  It is time for a change in the way we think and act and we do not need to go to war to prove that America is a great power or try to make everyone happy in order to make our country look benevolent. In hard times we need to change our outlook in order to make a difference and change what is broken.

War is a last result when all forms of diplomacy have failed and we can no longer negotiate with the country we are in conflict with.  And I am all for supporting America to go to war with Iran, but the reality of the situation is that we as a nation do not have the necessary funds or resources to send our country into another conflict in which we will lose money to foreign nations and the lives of our American military service members who are willing to give their lives in the cause of freedom.  But if we go to war with Iran it would not be for freedom, it would be to suppress another country from becoming a nuclear power, thus going against our country’s morals and original cause to go to war with other nations.

Again, not to be repetitive but I want to drive this point across, Wars cost money and we do not have the money to wage another war with another country, and Iran is a country that can pose a formidable threat to the US war machine.   We have the weaponry, tools and personnel to go to war with Iran but do we have the moral support of the American people, if we do not how are we going to allow for our military to invade a foreign country and stop them from becoming a nuclear power when we are unable to solve our own problems at home.   We have a massive public debt, our government is so politically divided that nothing gets done in our government, and some in America feel that our constitutional rights are being restricted by our current government.  With all these issues at home do you really think we have the support, time our resources to go to war with Iran?  I do not think so.

In order for us to really go to war with the country of Iran I believe that we would need the support of the American people, but at this time the American people want our government to leave Afghanistan and get out of fighting for a while so I do not see the American people supporting a war with Iran.   We have internal problems of our own in America.  We just do not have the time, energy or effort to solve the problems of the international community any longer.   Before we can go back to becoming the great superpower again where we solve the world’s problems, we need to solve our problems first and stop the political infighting, and the massive public debts.  Then we can go back to becoming a global superpower and help police the world and solve their problems.

So at the end of the day, “WE CAN NOT GO TO WAR WITH IRAN!”, why because our country is weak, not because we are morally or physically weak, but our country is fiscally unstable, economically weak, and politically divided.  How can we wage a war, make political progress, and reinvigorate our economy when we are weak in the most important things.  We are not in the cold war anymore where we can go and attack every country we feel is oppressing others or if they are against America.  Our government needs to access what is important to average Americans and work to help them instead of solving global issues.


  1. I think you also leave out the signifigant military power and presence Iran has. Iran's first assault could easily devastate our holdings in the area, certainly, our response would be even more devestating, but our ability to wage a ground war would be compromised to an unacceptable degree. Sadly, we may not have a choice. If Israel declares war on Iran (an unlikely, but possible, event), then we may be dragged in due to our military alliance with them. It might be limited to supplies and drone strikes, but you never know in that sort of situation.

  2. I understand that view and in the event that we go to war I would support the troops that are going in, but I still believe that it is fiscally irresponsible to start another war because Israel has a conflict with Iran. Though with our recent track record with the air strikes in Libya, the american military has shown the world that air supremacy can cripple any countries military.

  3. I wrote about about a possible war with Iran in my Op-Ed last week. Although I agree that we cannot go to war due to the fact we clearly, as a country, are not prepared or adequately resourced for another military endeavor, I have argued that unfortunately if a war between Iran and Israel is to erupt, we must step in. It is not a matter of can we or should we or how will we, but when will we. If this war begins, the United States will play an integral roll in supporting Israel and further alienating itself from the muslim powers within the middle east. America must recognize that is through Israel that we prevent a war. Our job must be mediaries between the two conflicting countries if we hope to side step another international conflict. Money aside, if Israel and Iran go to war, we are going to be right in the mix.
